Based in Brooklyn, NY

Born 1985 in Quito, Ecuador


Cristina Salas is a mixed media artist, working with drawing, paint, fiber, mosaic, ceramics, found objects, the possibilities are endless.The medium varies depending on how best to tell a story and create characters that allow the work to inhabit a space. Although her process is intuitive, and free-flowing she incorporates an intentional design philosophy that defines a sense of place. Symbolism reveals a spiritual relationship with the natural environment connecting people to each other and connecting humans to plants, trees and animals. She is often working in a public place, interacting with the built environment or interior architecture. She is a place-maker with a responsibility to the people and communities who are connected to a place. The work is inherently generous meant to give the viewer a joyful experience.


She studied fine art at the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze, Italy from 2004-2007. Holds a master in Art Production from Universidad Politècnica de Valencia, Spain and a master in architecture from Louisiana State University, United States. 

After graduating in 2018 she moved to New York to work for Dameron Architecture, where she collaborated with mosaic installations including The Journey of the Star Nosed mole at Carroll Hall, event space in Bushwick, NYC. 

Through her art career she has participated in 3 art residencies: Liceo de Chesnoy, France, Fist Art Foundation in Puerto Rico and Latin American Art with FONCA in Mexico. In 2022 she exhibited her work with Chashama at 1285 2nd Avenue, New York city. She joined the Art Lives Here artist program in the summer of 2022.

She now works as a full time artist with a studio practice at home and gives a few mosaic workshops a year at Carroll Hall.

Find out more about Cristina Salas @