Based in New York City and Pound Ridge, NY

B Sudbury, Massachusetts


CAROL PAIK is an artist and writer based in New York, splitting her time between New York City and Pound Ridge.

Carol works in several different media, but prioritizes working with repurposed textiles in her fiber art practice. After years of buying expensive and often toxic materials for her work, her goal now is to create art exclusively out of the unappreciated, overlooked, landfill-destined stuff she finds around her, of which there is a great abundance.

Paik brings together disparate elements in unexpected ways, taking something that is barely noticed, and looking at it more closely. Or, taking something too frequently seen, and looking at it slightly differently. She is interested in the emotions that we bring to the things we discard: nostalgia, guilt, desire, and loss, and she gives these objects--and, by extension, ourselves—new possibilities. The artist was born and raised in Sudbury, Massachusetts. She received a BA in Social Studies from Harvard College, and a JD and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Columbia University. She has been a number of different things in her life, including litigator, stay-at-home mom, essayist, playwright, editor, 3-time NYC marathon-finisher, and hand model (once).

Her work has been exhibited in galleries as well as unique venues in New York City; Westchester County, NY; and Connecticut. 

Find out more about Carol Paik @